Cultural History Museum Mühlhausen

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Kristanplatz 7,
99974 Mühlhausen

Fachreferentin Kulturgeschichte:
Dr. Nora Hilgert
Phone: 0(49) 3601 8566 24

Opening times:
Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m./5:00 p.m.

The main building of the Mühlhausen museums was originally built between 1868 and 1870 as a high school in the neo-renaissance style. Since the establishment of a local history museum in 1928, the building on Lindenbühl has been used primarily as a museum.

The cultural and historical collections of the Mühlhausen museums represent the most extensive and diverse holdings of the museum. With the growth of the holdings and the associated specialist research since the 1950s, but increasingly with the integration into the complex of the Central Memorial “German Peasants’ War”, the museum outgrew its status as a local history museum. A number of special collections of national importance emerged. These also include numismatics – for example an almost complete partial holding of coins and medals on Thomas Müntzer.

Text: Sturm, Erfurter Münzfreunde e.V.